
uncompyle6: 一个跨版本的 Python 字节码反编译器!

uncompyle6 是一个原生 python 的跨版本反编译器和 fragment 反编译器,是 decompyleuncompyleuncompyle2 等工具的接替者。uncompyle6 可将 python 字节码转换回等效的 python 源代码,它接受 python 1.0 版到 3.8 版的字节码,这其中跨越了 24 年的 python 版本,此外还包括 DropboxPython 2.5 字节码和一些 PyPy 字节码。



  • [1] 安装工具
# 直接安装工具
$ pip install uncompyle6

# 安装最新版本
$ python setup.py instal
  • [2] 使用方式
# 基本语法结构
$ uncompyle6 *compiled-python-file-pyc-or-pyo*
# 帮助文档信息
$ uncompyle6 -h

  uncompyle6 [OPTIONS]... [ FILE | DIR]...
  uncompyle6 [--help | -h | --V | --version]

  uncompyle6      foo.pyc bar.pyc       # decompile foo.pyc, bar.pyc to stdout
  uncompyle6 -o . foo.pyc bar.pyc       # decompile to ./foo.pyc_dis and ./bar.pyc_dis
  uncompyle6 -o /tmp /usr/lib/python1.5 # decompile whole library

  -o <path>     output decompiled files to this path:
                if multiple input files are decompiled, the common prefix
                is stripped from these names and the remainder appended to
                  uncompyle6 -o /tmp bla/fasel.pyc bla/foo.pyc
                    -> /tmp/fasel.pyc_dis, /tmp/foo.pyc_dis
                  uncompyle6 -o /tmp bla/fasel.pyc bar/foo.pyc
                    -> /tmp/bla/fasel.pyc_dis, /tmp/bar/foo.pyc_dis
                  uncompyle6 -o /tmp /usr/lib/python1.5
                    -> /tmp/smtplib.pyc_dis ... /tmp/lib-tk/FixTk.pyc_dis
  --compile | -c <python-file>
                attempts a decompilation after compiling <python-file>
  -d            print timestamps
  -p <integer>  use <integer> number of processes
  -r            recurse directories looking for .pyc and .pyo files
  --fragments   use fragments deparser
  --verify      compare generated source with input byte-code
  --verify-run  compile generated source, run it and check exit code
  --syntax-verify compile generated source
  --linemaps    generated line number correspondencies between byte-code
                and generated source output
  --encoding  <encoding>
                use <encoding> in generated source according to pep-0263
  --help        show this message

Debugging Options:
  --asm     | -a        include byte-code       (disables --verify)
  --grammar | -g        show matching grammar
  -t {before|after}     include syntax before (or after) tree transformation
                        (disables --verify)
  --tree++ | -T         add template rules to --tree=before when possible

Extensions of generated files:
  '.pyc_dis' '.pyo_dis'   successfully decompiled (and verified if --verify)
    + '_unverified'       successfully decompile but --verify failed
    + '_failed'           decompile failed (contact author for enhancement)
  • [3] 示例演示
# -o 参数是用来指定反编译的文件存储
$ uncompyle6 -o test.py test.pyc
# 批量反编译
import os

file_path = '/Users/escape/app/user_proxy'

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_path):
    for file in files:
        file_name, file_suffix = file.split(".")
        if file.endswith('pyc') or file.endswith('pyo'):
            print(f">>> filename: {filename} to do ...")
            os.system(f"uncompyle6 -o {os.path.join(root, file_name, 'py')} {filename}")

文章作者: Escape
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 Escape !