
带你打开 GitHub 之门的全新方式


1. 工具介绍

官方推出的新一代 GitHub 命令行操作工具

自从微软收购了 Github 之后,相继推出了挺多的新功能和新特性,我自己使用一些,总的来说还是很不多的,大部分都很适用而且学习成本比较低、很容易上手和使用。而这里我们主要介绍的是 GitHub CLI 工具,这是 Github 官方推出了一个便捷操作 Github 的工具,助于减少终端和 GitHub 网页之间频繁切换。可以帮助我们直接在命令行完成 issues 查看、分支推送等操作。经过 6 个月的非常成功的 Beta 测试,已经发布了第一个稳定版本 GitHub CLI 1.0 了,就在前几天又发布了 GitHub CLI 1.0

  • GitHub CLI
    • Take GitHub to the command line
    • 官方推出的新一代 GitHub 命令行操作工具
  • GitHub Actions
    • Automate from code to cloud
    • 一个轻量级的自动化 CI/CD 工具
  • GitHub Apps
    • More ways to work with GitHub
    • 一个多终端操作 GitHub 的手机软件
  • GitHub Packages
    • Your packages at home with their code
    • 一个包托管服务,允许开发者在上面托管包和代码,类似 npmdocker


2. 安装说明

GitHub’s official command line tool

安装完毕之后,会有一个 gh 的可执行命令,我们可以理解其是命令行版本的 GitHub。它可以获取 pull requestsissues 和其他 GitHub 的相关操作。

  • [1] MacOS
# macOS
$ brew update && brew install gh
$ brew update && brew upgrade gh

# MacPorts
$ sudo port install gh
$ sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade gh
  • [2] Linux
# Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key C99B11DEB97541F0
$ sudo apt-add-repository
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install gh

# CentOS
$ sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo
$ sudo dnf install gh
  • [3] Windows
# scoop
$ scoop bucket add github-gh
$ scoop install gh

3. 使用细节


  • 安装之后执行 gh 命令,看到如下所示的信息就证明已经安装完成了。
➜ gh
Work seamlessly with GitHub from the command line.

  gh <command> <subcommand> [flags]

  gist:       Manage gists
  issue:      Manage issues
  pr:         Manage pull requests
  release:    Manage GitHub releases
  repo:       Create, clone, fork, and view repositories

  alias:      Create command shortcuts
  api:        Make an authenticated GitHub API request
  auth:       Login, logout, and refresh your authentication
  completion: Generate shell completion scripts
  config:     Manage configuration for gh
  help:       Help about any command

  --help      Show help for command
  --version   Show gh version

  $ gh issue create
  $ gh repo clone cli/cli
  $ gh pr checkout 321

  See 'gh help environment' for the list of supported environment variables.

  Use 'gh <command> <subcommand> --help' for more information about a command.
  Read the manual at

  Open an issue using 'gh issue create -R cli/cli'
  • 在我们第一次使用 gh 命令的时候,需要登录进行一次 GitHub 的授权,点击授权即可。
➜ gh auth login
? What account do you want to log into?
- Logging into
? How would you like to authenticate? Login with a web browser

! First copy your one-time code: XXXX-XXXX
- Press Enter to open in your browser...
✓ Authentication complete. Press Enter to continue...

? Choose default git protocol SSH
- gh config set -h git_protocol ssh
✓ Configured git protocol
✓ Logged in as EscapeLife

官方GitHub命令行工具 - 输入one-time码

官方GitHub命令行工具 - 点击进行授权认证

  • 但是使用 gh 命令没有终端补全,所以其提供了一个子命令可以帮助我们补全命令!
# gh completion --help

# bash - ~/.bashrc
eval "$(gh completion -s bash)"

# zsh - ~/.zshrc
eval "$(gh completion -s zsh)"

4. 相关命令


Github Cli 命令分为核心命令和扩展命令两种,核心命令就是我们登录之后日常会常常使用的命令,而扩展命令就是平常提交代码等不太会使用的,谁天天会登录呢。

gist: Manage gists
issue: Manage issues
pr: Manage pull requests
release: Manage GitHub releases
repo: Create, clone, fork, and view repositories

alias: Create command shortcuts
api: Make an authenticated GitHub API request
auth: Login, logout, and refresh your authentication
completion: Generate shell completion scripts
config: Manage configuration for gh
help: Help about any command

4.1 repo

Create, clone, fork, and view repositories

子命令 对应内容
gh repo clone 在本地克隆 repo
# Using OWNER/REPO syntax
~/Projects/my-project$ gh repo clone
Cloning into 'cli'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 99, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (99/99), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (76/76), done.
remote: Total 21160 (delta 49), reused 35 (delta 18), pack-reused 21061
Receiving objects: 100% (21160/21160), 57.93 MiB | 10.82 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (16051/16051), done.
子命令 对应内容
gh repo create 创建一个新的 repo
# Setting a repository name
~/Projects/my-project$ gh repo create my-cool-project
✓ Created repository user/my-cool-project on GitHub
✓ Added remote

# Setting your organization as an owner
~/Projects/my-project$ gh repo create org/repo
✓ Created repository org/repo on GitHub
✓ Added remote
子命令 对应内容
gh repo fork 创建 repo 的 fork
# gh repo fork
~/Projects$ gh repo fork cli/cli
- Forking cli/cli...
✓ Created fork cli/cli
? Would you like to clone the fork? Yes
Cloning into 'cli'...
✓ Cloned fork
子命令 对应内容
gh repo view 查看 repo
# In terminal
~/Projects/my-project$ gh repo view owner/repo
Repository description
  Repository README
View this repository on GitHub:

# In the browser
~/Projects$ gh repo view owner/repo --web
Opening in your browser.

4.2 pr

Manage pull requests

子命令 对应内容
gh pr checkout 在 git 中查看拉取请求
# Using pull request number
~/Projects/my-project$ gh pr checkout 12
remote: Enumerating objects: 66, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (66/66), done.
remote: Total 83 (delta 66), reused 66 (delta 66), pack-reused 17
Unpacking objects: 100% (83/83), done.
 * [new ref]             refs/pull/8896/head -> patch-2
Switched to branch 'patch-2'

# Using other selectors
~/Projects/my-project$ gh pr checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/branch-name'.
Already up to date.
子命令 对应内容
gh pr checks 显示单个 pr 请求的状态
# Show CI status for a single pull request
~/Projects/my-project$ gh pr checks master
no open pull requests found for branch "master"
子命令 对应内容
gh pr close 关闭 pull 请求
# Close a pull request
$ gh pr close {<number> | <url> | <branch>} [flags]
子命令 对应内容
gh pr create 创建一个 pull 请求
# Create a pull request interactively
~/Projects/my-project$ gh pr create
Creating pull request for feature-branch into main in owner/repo
? Title My new pull request
? Body [(e) to launch nano, enter to skip]

# Create a pull request using flags
~/Projects/my-project$ gh pr create --title "Pull request title" --body "Pull request body"

# In the browser
~/Projects/my-project$ gh pr create --web
Opening in your browser.
子命令 对应内容
gh pr diff 在 pull 请求中查看更改
# View changes in a pull request
$ gh pr diff [<number> | <url> | <branch>] [flags]
子命令 对应内容
gh pr list 列出并过滤此 repo 中的 pull 请求
# Viewing a list of open pull requests
~/Projects/my-project$ gh pr list
Pull requests for owner/repo
14  Upgrade to Prettier 1.19                           prettier
14  Extend arrow navigation in lists for MacOS         arrow-nav
13  Add Support for Windows Automatic Dark Mode        dark-mode
8   Create and use keyboard shortcut react component   shortcut

# Filtering with flags
$ gh pr list --limit 999
$ gh pr list --state closed
$ gh pr list --label "priority 1" --label "bug"
$ gh pr list --web
子命令 对应内容
gh pr merge 合并 pull 请求
# Merge a pull request on GitHub
$ gh pr merge [<number> | <url> | <branch>] [flags]
子命令 对应内容
gh pr ready 将一个 pull request 标记为准备好接受审查
# Mark a pull request as ready for review
$ gh pr ready [<number> | <url> | <branch>] [flags]
子命令 对应内容
gh pr reopen 重新打开 pull 请求
# Reopen a pull request
$ gh pr reopen {<number> | <url> | <branch>} [flags]
子命令 对应内容
gh pr review 向 pull 请求添加审查
# approve the pull request of the current branch
$ gh pr review --approve

# leave a review comment for the current branch
$ gh pr review --comment -b "interesting"

# add a review for a specific pull request
$ gh pr review 123

# request changes on a specific pull request
$ gh pr review 123 -r -b "needs more ASCII art"
子命令 对应内容
gh pr status 显示相关 pull 请求的状态
# Viewing the status of your relevant pull requests
~/Projects/my-project$ gh pr status
Current branch
  #12 Remove the test feature [user:patch-2]
   - All checks failing - Review required

Created by you
  You have no open pull requests

Requesting a code review from you
  #13 Fix tests [branch]
  - 3/4 checks failing - Review required
  #15 New feature [branch]
   - Checks passing - Approved
子命令 对应内容
gh pr view 查看 pull 请求
# In terminal
# Viewing a pull request in terminal
~/Projects/my-project$ gh pr view 21
Pull request title
opened by user. 0 comments. (label)
  Pull request body
View this pull request on GitHub:

# In the browser
~/Projects/my-project$ gh pr view 21 --web
Opening in your browser.

4.3 issue

Manage issues

子命令 对应内容
gh issue close 关闭 issue
# Close issue
$ gh issue close {<number> | <url>} [flags]
子命令 对应内容
gh issue create 创建一个新的 issue
# In use
$ gh issue create --title "I found a bug" --body "Nothing works"
$ gh issue create --label "bug,help wanted"
$ gh issue create --label bug --label "help wanted"
$ gh issue create --assignee monalisa,hubot
$ gh issue create --project "Roadmap"
子命令 对应内容
gh issue list 列出并过滤此 repo 中的 issue
# Default behavior
$ gh issue list -l "help wanted"
$ gh issue list -A monalisa
$ gh issue list --web

# Filtering with flags
$ gh issue list --milestone 'MVP'
$ gh issue list --state closed --assignee user
子命令 对应内容
gh issue reopen 重开 issus
# Reopen issue
$ gh issue reopen {<number> | <url>} [flags]
子命令 对应内容
gh issue view 查看 issue
# In terminal
~/Projects/my-project$ gh issue view 21
Issue title
opened by user. 0 comments. (label)
  Issue body
View this issue on GitHub:

# In the browser
~/Projects/my-project$ gh issue view 21 --web
Opening in your browser.
子命令 对应内容
gh issue status 显示相关 issue 的状态
# Viewing issues relevant to you
~/Projects/my-project$ gh issue status
Issues assigned to you
  #8509 [Fork] Improve how Desktop handles forks  (epic:fork, meta)

Issues mentioning you
  #8938 [Fork] Add create fork flow entry point at commit warning  (epic:fork)
  #8509 [Fork] Improve how Desktop handles forks  (epic:fork, meta)

Issues opened by you
  #8936 [Fork] Hide PR number badges on branches that have an upstream PR  (epic:fork)
  #6386 Improve no editor detected state on conflicts modal  (enhancement)

4.4 release

Manage GitHub releases

子命令 对应内容
gh release create 创建一个版本
# use release notes from a file
$ gh release create v1.2.3 -F

# upload a release asset with a display label
$ gh release create v1.2.3 '/path/to/ display label'
子命令 对应内容
gh release delete 删除一个版本
# Delete a release
$ gh release delete <tag> [flags]
子命令 对应内容
gh release download 下载一个版本
# download all assets from a specific release
$ gh release download v1.2.3

# download only Debian packages for the latest release
$ gh release download --pattern '*.deb'

# specify multiple file patterns
$ gh release download -p '*.deb' -p '*.rpm'
子命令 对应内容
gh release list 列出存储库中的发布
# List releases in a repository
$ gh release list [flags]
子命令 对应内容
gh release upload 上传一个版本
# Upload asset files to a GitHub Release
$ gh release upload <tag> <files>... [flags]
子命令 对应内容
gh release view 查看版本的详细信息
# View information about a GitHub Release
$ gh release view [<tag>] [flags]

4.5 gist

Manage gists

子命令 对应内容
gh gist create 创建一个 gist
# publish file '' as a public gist
$ gh gist create --public

# create a gist with a description
$ gh gist create -d "my Hello-World program in Python"

# create a gist containing several files
$ gh gist create cool.txt

# read from standard input to create a gist
$ gh gist create -

# create a gist from output piped from another command
$ cat cool.txt | gh gist create
子命令 对应内容
gh gist edit 编辑一个 gist
# Edit one of your gists
$ gh gist edit {<gist ID> | <gist URL>} [flags]
子命令 对应内容
gh gist list 查看 gists
# List your gists
$ gh gist list [flags]
子命令 对应内容
gh gist view 查看 gist 内容
# View a gist
$ gh gist view {<gist id> | <gist url>} [flags]

4.6 auth

Login, logout, and refresh your authentication

子命令 对应内容
gh auth login 使用 GitHub 主机进行身份验证
# start interactive setup
$ gh auth login

# authenticate against by reading the token from a file
$ gh auth login --with-token < mytoken.txt

# authenticate with a specific GitHub Enterprise Server instance
$ gh auth login --hostname enterprise.internal
子命令 对应内容
gh auth logout 注销 GitHub 主机
$ gh auth logout
# => select what host to log out of via a prompt

$ gh auth logout --hostname enterprise.internal
# => log out of specified host
子命令 对应内容
gh auth refresh 刷新存储的身份验证凭据
$ gh auth refresh --scopes write:org,read:public_key
# => open a browser to add write:org and read:public_key scopes for use with gh api

$ gh auth refresh
# => open a browser to ensure your authentication credentials have the correct minimum scopes
子命令 对应内容
gh auth status 查看认证状态
# Verifies and displays information about your authentication state
$ gh auth status [flags]

4.7 alias

Create command shortcuts

子命令 对应内容
gh alias delete 删除 alias 命令
# Delete an alias
$ gh alias delete <alias> [flags]
子命令 对应内容
gh alias list 列出 alias 命令
# This command prints out all of the aliases gh is configured to use.
$ gh alias list [flags]
子命令 对应内容
gh alias set 设置 alias 命令
$ gh alias set pv 'pr view'
$ gh pv -w 123
#=> gh pr view -w 123

$ gh alias set bugs 'issue list --label="bugs"'

$ gh alias set epicsBy 'issue list --author="$1" --label="epic"'
$ gh epicsBy vilmibm
#=> gh issue list --author="vilmibm" --label="epic"

$ gh alias set --shell igrep 'gh issue list --label="$1" | grep $2'
$ gh igrep epic foo
#=> gh issue list --label="epic" | grep "foo"

4.8 config

Manage configuration for gh

子命令 对应内容
gh config get 获取 alias 命令
$ gh config get git_protocol
子命令 对应内容
gh config set 用给定键的值更新配置
# Update configuration with a value for the given key
$ gh config set editor vim
$ gh config set editor "code --wait"
$ gh config set git_protocol ssh
$ gh config set prompt disabled

文章作者: Escape
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 Escape !